Sea Rich



Brown seaweed Ascophyllum Nodosum is renowned for the growth-promoting properties all over the world. It is rich in Carbohydrates, 58 minerals and amino acids. Carbohydrates in the form of Polysaccharides, Algenic acid, Mannitol, Laminarin and Fucoidin constitute about 55 % of the products

Manufactured from 100% Ascophyllum Nodosum harvested from cold North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland

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Sea Rich: 48% extract of Ascophyllum Nodosum
(Manufactured from 100% Ascophyllum Nodosum,
Harvested from cold North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland)

Dissolved solids48% i.e. 480-500 gm/Lit
Organic Matter24 – 29.50 %
Inorganic Matter 18.56 – 24.0 %
Carbohydrates ( Includes Polysaccharides, Alginic Acid, Mannitol, Laminarin, Fucoidan and undefined sugars)25-27%
Potash (K2O)8%
Free AA1.90 %
TE (PPM)58 Number
Density (Sp. gravity)1.25 g/cc
ColourNatural Black
Sea Rich: 48% extract of Ascophyllum NodosumManufactured from 100% Ascophyllum Nodosum, Harvested from cold North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland
SEA RICH-Benefits: Soil Application
  1. Profuse white root development.
  2. Improved uptake of Major and micronutrients.
  3. The polysaccharides promote vigorous growth of microorganism, which results in improved soil and plant health.
  4. Natural chelation of nutrients, which means that nutrients more available to plants over a period of time.
SEA RICH-Benefits: Foliar Application
  1. More flowering, less drop and better quality of fruits
  2. Better uniformity of fruit / vegetable size results into more marketable yields
  3. Excellent tolerance of plants to stress such as extreme cold, extreme heat, drought etc.
  4. Larger & thicker leaf size and dark green color of leaf increases photosynthesis, and thus increases yields and quality.
  5. Better Colour, more Brix, better keeping quality
Application Rate: - See application schedule

Rate of application for All Crops (Fruits, Vegetables, Field crops etc)

  1. Foliar: 1-2 ml/litre,
  2. Drench / Drip: 1 litre /acre
Manufactured by


5 Lit, 1 Lit
